ADAPT Pilot Aptitude Tests

We have teamed up with Symbiotics to offer you practice assessments, allowing you to practice the ADAPT test used by airlines and training organisations across the globe.

Symbiotics, are the owners and only providers of the genuine suite of ADAPT Pilot Aptitude Tests that are used by flight training organisations, airlines, and business jet operators in over 80 countries around the world. The ADAPT solution is used by these organisations to predict your future performance as defined by ICAO’s pilot competencies. All Symbiotics tests have been created by a team of experienced psychologists using genuine and authentic measures.

During the early stages of the path to becoming a pilot, you will be required to pass several aptitude tests (also referred to as psychometric tests). These tests have been specially designed to demonstrate that you have both the aptitude and traits to be successful in both training to be a pilot and your career as one.


The assessments are designed to measure specific skills and aptitudes which can be broken down to include Psychomotor, Cognitive, Problem Solving and Decision-Making skills. The tests are aligned to ICAO’s pilot competencies, testing things such as situational awareness, problem solving and decision-making.